All posts by loganstar

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Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are an incredibly nutritious food that are packed with antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamins C, E & D, and minerals such as manganese and iron. They are also high in potassium which helps to lower blood pressure by removing excess sodium and regulating fluid balance in the body. Sweet potatoes are an excellent anti-stress food and are known to help relax muscles, steady nerves, and balance cognitive function. They are also one of the best anti-cancer foods and can particularly help to prevent breast, colon, lung, skin, and oral cancers. Sweet potatoes are known for being easy to digest and are very good for ulcers, inflamed colons, digestive disorders, and constipation. Sweet potatoes contain compounds called phytochelatins that can bind to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, copper, & cadmium and safely remove them through the body. Mothers have even given children who have accidentally swallowed a metallic object such as a coin, plenty of sweet potato so that it will stick to the object and allow it to pass through easier. The health benefits of sweet potatoes are the most bioavailable when eaten raw, steamed, or baked. Try making a simple fat-free sweet potato soup by steaming sweet potatoes until soft and then placing in a blender or food processor and blend until creamy smooth. Spices such as cloves, cinnamon, ginger, chili pepper, or curry can be added for a flavor and nutritional boost. Baked sweet potatoes can be stored in the refrigerator and later sliced over a fresh green salad for a hearty lunch or dinner. Sweet potatoes are also delicious mashed with a drizzle of olive oil, coconut butter, or avocado. Sweet potatoes are a comforting, satisfying, and very healing food, consider finding more ways to include them into your diet.

Foods help Prevent Breast Cancer

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Researchers have found that women who eat legumes at least twice a week have lower rates of developing breast cancer than those who eat beans less frequently. All beans are a good source of fiber, but black beans stand out because of the high antioxidant content in their skin. Black beans may also block the circulation of estrodiol, a form of estrogen that’s a problem for those at risk for estrogen-driven breast cancer. The resistant starch found in the beans is thought to mimic estrogen enough to attach to estrogen-receptor sites, allowing excessive and harmful forms of estrogen to pass through the body.
Fresh blueberries are an excellent source of antioxidants, including cancer-fighting chlorogenic acid as well as the anthocyanin pigments that give them their color. A food’s antioxidant power is measured in ORAC units—which stands for “oxygen radical absorbance capacity”—and blueberries rate the highest of any fruit or vegetable. They also contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can dampen the joint pain of arthritis, and they’re an effective treatment for urinary-tract infections. In animal studies, blueberries are credited with slowing or even reversing the aging process in the brain and with improving coordination.


Broccoli is among nature’s richest sources of sulforophane, a compound that’s thought to strongly inhibit cancers. Research suggests that sulforophanes stimulate the body’s own cancer-fighting enzymes, slowing the rate of breast and prostate cancer cell growth.


University of Toronto researchers found that women with breast cancer who ate two tablespoons of ground flaxseed each day slowed their rate of cancer-cell growth.


In laboratory experiments, scientists have found that allyl sulfur and other compounds in garlic slow the growth of tumor cells.


Portobello, cremini, button, and shiitake mushrooms all have anti-cancer properties. “Mushrooms actually contain more antioxidants than pumpkins, carrots and tomatoes,” says Karen Graham, R.D., an Arizona-based integrative nutritionist. That’s because they’re loaded with ergothioneine and selenium, two immune-boosting antioxidants that cut your risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Also in their corner are beta-glucans, plant chemicals found especially in shiitake and maitake mushrooms, which supercharge the immune system and may prevent cancer. In fact, a study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that women who ate 10 grams of mushrooms per day were 64 percent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn’t.


Researchers at the University of Southern California and the National University of Singapore found that postmenopausal women who ate an average of 1.5 to 3 ounces of fish or shellfish daily were 26 percent less likely to develop breast cancer during the five years of the study than those who ate less seafood.


Rich in betacarotene and lutein, both powerful antioxidants. Researchers from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that women who ate spinach more than twice a week had lower rates of breast cancer than those who rarely ate the vegetable.
Source: MSN Health & Fitness

Six Foods = Stronger

Will Make You Stronger
Choosing the very best foods for your physique goals is an even harder decision than avoiding the bad foods. Here is a list to make it easier for you to find the best of the best so- called power foods. Be sure to include these nutrients in your diet for great gains.

6 Foods That Will Make You Stronger


Three large eggs give you 260 calories, 20 g protein, 1.5 g carbs, 17 g fat. The perfect protein, eggs are loaded with cholesterol, typically thought as an evil food ingredient, but in fact, full of positive benefits, such as testosterone level maintaining and the integrity of muscle cell membranes. People who ate 3 whole eggs a day plus following a strength training program produce twice the gains in strength and muscle mass than those who consume just 1 egg or no eggs per day. 641 milligrams per day of additional cholesterol from eggs decreases the amount of bad cholesterol particles associated with atherosclerosis. So have eggs on any regular meal.


Atlantic salmon provides you with 415 calories, 46 g protein, zero carbs and 23 g fat. It’s rich in the essential omega-3 fatty acids as well as eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids.

People consuming higher levels of omega 3 fats report greater muscle strength than those taking it in lower levels. Omega 3 fatty acids enhance insulin sensitivity, which boosts muscle protein synthesis it means muscle growth and increases amino acid and glucose uptake. Omega 3s is readily burned for fuel, sparing muscle glycogen to keep your muscles bigger. Additionally, omega 3 has been found to blunt muscle and joint breakdown, as well as enhance their recovery. Omega 3 converts into beneficial prostaglandins- a hormone like substances that promote various processes in your body. Prepare salmon for lunch or dinner.


85% lean ground organic beef contains 390 calories, 50 g protein, zero carbs and 20 g fat. This meat is important due to its protein content, saturated fat and cholesterol, all of which provides high testosterone levels. Organic beef has much higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid than conventionally raised cattle, because organically raised ones are primarily grass fed as opposed to grain fed. A healthy fat has been proven in different clinical studies to help shed body fat while helping to boost and strength at the same time your muscle mass. Eat beef while lunch or dinner.

Wheat germ

A half cup of wheat germ provides 205 calories, 15 g protein, 28 g carbs and 5 g fat. White germ is rich in iron, zinc, potassium, and selenium and B vitamins and high in protein with a good amount of amino acids such as glutamine and arginine. Being high in fiber makes it a great source of slow digesting carbohydrates. White germ is great before exercising because it provides a good source of octacosanol- an alcohol that can increase your muscle strength and endurance, as well as increase the efficiency of the central nervous system. Consume it a half an hour before workouts and any time of day you want to slow digesting carbs. You can use it as breading on fish or chicken.


2 wedges of watermelon supplies 170 calories, about 5 g proteins, 45 g carbs, a g fat, approximately 2.5 g citrulline. Watermelon is one of the few fruits that are fast digested. This means it spikes insulin levels, making it post workout carb. The red flesh and especially the white rind of watermelon are full of the amino acid citrulline, which is converted to arginine inside your body and boosts arginine inside the body much better than taking arginine itself. Higher levels of arginine lead to higher nitric oxide levels and higher GH levels after exercising, both of which are critical for enhancing muscle growth and strength. Increasing levels after training means there’s more blood flow to your muscles, which will enhance recovery and aid muscle growth. Eat watermelon immediately after workouts.

Pomegranate Juice

Added to a protein shake it provides 35 calories, zero protein, 7 g carbs and zero fat. Pomegranate juice has a potent antioxidant content, which promotes health and wards off a lot of diseases. Researchers have found that it is effective at protecting against oxidative destruction and enhances its levels, in your body.

Source: World Health Info

Aspirin – Prostate Cancer

Aspirin May Reduce Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Aspirin May Reduce Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Photo by Stockbyte/Getty Images

As many people know, a daily aspirin can help stave off a heart attack. Apparently, your ticker isn’t the only part of your body that may benefit from a dose of the drug: Aspirin significantly reduces men’s risk of prostate cancer, reveals a new Duke University study, presented at the 13th Annual American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference, held in New Orleans, La., this week.

The 6,390 men, none of whom had prostate cancer at the start of the study, were part of the Reduce trial, a GlaxoSmithKline-sponsored study designed to test whether dutasteride, a drug for enlarged Prostate, reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Recently, Duke University researchers decided to pose a second question— this one about an over-the-counter drug: How did the men’s intake of aspirin affect their odds of a prostate cancer diagnosis?

Their interest was sparked because of a previously observed phenomenon: Taking anti-inflammatory meds like aspirin can lower men’s levels of prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, which, if elevated, is considered a marker for prostate cancer, explained study author Adriana Vidal, an assistant professor of urology at Duke University.

Half of the men in the study were taking aspirin, another nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), or both. Half weren’t. Over the course of the four-year study, the pill-popping guys fared better: Taking aspirin and/or NSAIDs was associated with a 13 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Even more promising, the OTC meds were linked to a 17 percent reduction in aggressive prostate cancer odds.

The most likely explanation for the finding lies with two enzymes: COX-1 and COX-2. “These enzymes participate in the synthesis of inflammatory prostaglandins that can promote cell proliferation,” Vidal told Yahoo Health. “This can eventually lead to cancer. Aspirin and NSAIDs inhibit these enzymes.”

Past research has suggested a similar link between aspirin and prevention of other types of cancer.  A 2010 study in The Lancet, for example, found that taking at least 75 milligrams of aspirin per day, over the course of five years, significantly reduced the risk of colon cancer. “It’s quite promising, particularly for colon cancer. Maybe for some types of breast cancer,” said Vidal. “However, for prostate cancer, the reduction in risk is not huge — and aspirin and other NSAIDs may have some potential side effects, like GI bleeding.”

That’s why her research team isn’t quite ready to recommend a daily dose of aspirin for anybody with a prostate (that’s you, guys). “We didn’t have data on dose or frequency, so that’s a limitation of the study,” Vidal said. However, past studies suggest that taking an aspirin tablet twice a week for at least four years is the minimum intake associated with reduced prostate cancer risk, she added. 

Related: 5 Surprising Uses for Aspirin

Her advice? Talk to your doctor before adding aspirin to your medication regimen — and prioritize that conversation if you’re already at high risk for prostate cancer. Risk factors include age (incidence rapidly rises after age 50), race/ethnicity (prostate cancer is more common in African-American men), family history, being obese, and smoking, according to the American Cancer Society. Not sure where you stand? Use this calculator to estimate your odds of developing the disease.

Source: Laura Tedesco, Yahoo Health

Amazing Mushrooms

Mushrooms Are Way More Amazing Than You Think

Mushrooms Are Way More Amazing Than You Think

Known for their distinctive umami flavor and meaty texture, mushrooms are a great addition to any dish from Asian stir-fries to pasta sauces. And since September is National Mushroom Month, we thought we’d celebrate by sharing some fun facts about fungi. (Sorry guys, we had to!)

  1. Mushrooms are the only item in the produce aisle with Vitamin D—and they’re one of the few non-fortified food sources. Mushrooms contain a fungal sterol (ergosterol) that converts to vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Mushroom growers have the ability to produce mushrooms with 100% Daily Value (400 IU) of vitamin D per serving, approximately 4-5 white button or crimini mushrooms, or one portabella.
  2. Authors of a recent Nutrition Today article note mushrooms’ nutrient and culinary characteristics suggest it may be time to re-evaluate food groupings and health benefits by adding a third kingdom—fungi/mycology—to the existing two food kingdoms of plants/botany and animals/zoology.
  3. Mushrooms are one of the few foods that provide ergothioneine, an important antioxidant related to immunity.
  4. In 2012, Americans consumed four pounds of mushrooms per capita.
  5. Mushrooms are claiming more space in the marketplace: They’re a $1.1 billion industry with more than 900 million pounds of mushrooms grown in the U.S. in the last year.
  6. Approximately four million students across the country have the opportunity to order the mushroom blend burger at lunch, which is a mixture of ground meat and cooked mushrooms. And surprisingly, the blend burger has a 92% preference in school district pilots with k-12 students.
  7. Speaking of mushroom blends, it looks like the kids are getting a preview of what’s to come in restaurants. Some of America’s favorite chefs, including Richard Blais, are leading the trend to blend and featuring mushroom blend items as a part of their menus in restaurants across the United States.
  8. Pennsylvania knocks the other states out of the water when it comes to growing ‘shrooms: they made 65% of the total volume of sales this past year. In fact, Kennett Square, Pa., is considered the mushroom capital of the world! (Too much a stretch to wonder if they have mushroom houses too?)
  9. Ancient Egyptians believed mushrooms were the plant of immortality, according to hieroglyphics 4,600 years ago.

    Plus, here’s a bonus mushroom breakdown, in case you’ve ever been stumped on the different varieties:

    • White button: This is the most popular variety, making up about 90% of all mushrooms consumed in the U.S. They have a mild flavor that intensifies when they’re cooked and are great in pastas, on pizza, sautéed as a topping for a burger or sandwich and raw in salads.
    • Crimini: Also known as baby ‘bellas these small brown mushrooms have a deep, earthy flavor that makes them great when paired with meaty dishes or sautéed with red wine.
    • Portabella: The larger cousins of criminis, these large brown mushrooms have a great meaty texture and earthy, full-bodied flavor that makes them a great meat substitute. Try them on a bun, stuffed, or as a steak.
    • Maitake: These are fan-shaped mushrooms without caps and are also known as “the hen of the woods.” They have a distinct aroma and a rich, woodsy taste that amps up the mushroom flavor in any dish. Use them when you want a bold mushroom flavor, such as in a cream of mushroom soup or a sauce.
    • Shiitake: Brown with an umbrella-shaped cap, these mushrooms have curved stems that should be removed. They taste best when cooked as cooking brings out their rich, woodsy flavor. Their meaty texture makes them the perfect addition to stir-fries.
    • Enoki: These cream-colored mushrooms have long, spindly steams and tiny button-shaped caps. Before serving, trim the roots at the cluster base and separate the stems. They are crunchy and mild-tasting, which makes them perfect for enjoying raw in salads and on sandwiches.
    • Oyster: These delicately flavored mushrooms have a velvety texture and can be grey, pale yellow, or even blue! Sautéing them with butter and onions brings out their flavor and they are a great addition to pasta dishes.
    • Beech: Tiny in size, these mushrooms have white or light brown caps and are crunchy with a mild, sweet-nutty flavor. Add at the last minute to soups, stews, sauces, and stir-fries to maintain their crunchy texture.
    • Wild mushrooms: This includes varieties such as morels, truffles, and chanterelles, which can be very expensive and are considered delicacies. Their rich, distinctive flavor makes them popular with chefs of fine restaurants around the world.
    • Source:   Sarah-Jane Bedwell, Yahoo Health

Reasons to Eat Eggs

7 Reasons You Should Start Eating Eggs

Eating more eggs is a great way to give you a healthy boost. If you are not keen on eating eggs regularly, here are reasons why you should.

There is a misguided belief that the cholesterol found in the yolk raises the cholesterol levels in your body and puts your health at risk. But good news for egg lovers: Research supporting the health a benefit of eggs is piling up and several studies including a recent one found no link in healthy people between eggs and either stroke or heart attack. It has debunked the myth of unhealthy eggs.

Supplies you with vitamins

One average- sized egg is packed with several vitamins essential to your health:
• Vitamin B2 or riboflavin- which helps your body to break down food into energy.
• Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is vital for producing red blood cells.
• Vitamin A or retinol- which is great for your eyesight.
• Vitamin E or tocopherol helps fight off the free radicals that can cause cellular and tissue damage, which might lead to cancer. Vitamins A and B2 are also important for cell growth. So make sure your kids are eating eggs regularly.

Supplies you with essential minerals

Eggs are packed with phosphorus, iron and zinc. These minerals are vital for your body. You need plenty of iron and not getting enough can leave you grumpy, feeling tired and run down. Zinc keeps your immune system in top form and helps your body convert food into energy. Phosphorus is important for healthy teeth and bones. There are some trace elements you need in small amounts in eggs such as iodine, useful for making thyroid hormones and selenium- an antioxidant that can help cut your risk of cancer.

Eggs may reduce your risk of cancer

Whole eggs are one of the best sources of the nutrient choline. One large egg has about 33 percent of your RDA. One study published this year found that women with a high intake of choline are 25 percent less likely to get breast cancer. Note that choline is found mostly in the yolk, so feel free to ditch the white omelets.

Eggs keep a good eyesight

Egg yolks are also high in zeaxanthin and lutein, both antioxidants that have been shown to ward off macular degeneration. So you will still be able to eyeball in your 80s.
An omelet a day can shrink your waist.

Researchers found that eating eggs for breakfast helps you limit calorie intake all day, by more than 401 calories. That means you can lose 3 pounds or more each month. This is probably because eggs keep you full for a long time and meaning you are less likely to succumb to a noon snack or stuff yourself at lunchtime.

Although eggs contain cholesterol, this is different from the cholesterol in your body. It is simply dietary cholesterol. Despite the past health recommendations, there is no evidence that eating eggs will increase levels of your blood cholesterol.  These little orbs contain a certain sequence of amino acids which makes egg protein easy for your body to absorb. It means a hard boiled grade is an ideal food for muscle repairing after a butt busting exercises.

SOURCE:  World Health Info

7 Body Detox

Morning Drinks

Morning Drinks for Body Detox
Body detox drinks are important from two points of view: first, they can help you shed pounds in a natural and side-effect-free manner, and second, they will flush out all the toxins and harmful chemicals gathered inside your body throughout the months. Besides this, these detox drinks usually help your body replenish the natural supply of minerals and vitamins, given the fact that most of them rely on natural fruit juices. Regardless of why you have decided to switch to a more natural lifestyle and to add a glass of fresh detox drink to your diet, here you will find seven of the most efficient and sought-after morning drinks for body detox:

1. Mango and Pineapple Smoothie

There is no better or healthier way to start your day than with a glass of freshly squeezed mango and pineapple smoothie. Fresh, delicious and filled with nutrients of the highest quality, this smoothie will deliver all the valuable minerals and vitamins your body needs to work correctly, and it will also give you an energy boost for the entire day. Besides this, the mango and pineapple smoothie will give your body a fresh antioxidant intake that will help it fight off the harmful effects of free radicals, and it will also help you naturally purge all the toxins that have built up in your intestines. This is a tropical drink and a natural source of antioxidants – have one of these smoothies each morning and you will feel the difference within less than a week!

2. Dark Leafy Greens Juice

Most of us are not very fond of vegetables, especially dark leafy greens, even though we are well aware of all their health benefits and outstanding nutritional properties. However, if you do not like to eat your greens raw, then why not turn them into a shake or juice them with your kitchen juicer? Not only is this easier than eating them, you can also combine the greens with various ingredients to make them taste even better. These dark leafy greens are an essential part of our diets, since they will keep your body well hydrated (hydration is the key to an effective detox diet and also to healthy and good-looking skin) and it will also deliver all the phytonutrients your body needs. Besides, you have a plethora of greens to choose from, from collard greens and spinach to delicious cucumbers that you can juice within seconds – your body will certainly be grateful for your choice, both now and later in life!

3. Green Tea Detox Smoothie

Green tea has been used for thousands of years for its outstanding health benefits, and this is precisely why it is still widely used today – especially in Asia. So what is better than enjoying a fresh cup of green tea each day? Drinking a citrus and green tea detox smoothie that will double the benefits of this detox drink! As you may already know, most fruit smoothies are green-tea-free, but by adding some green tea to your delicious citrus juice, you will only boost its effect and support the antioxidant intake. This will speed up your metabolism, increase your potassium and fiber intake, and also support the natural detoxification process. This drink is particularly important for those who have abused alcohol or who haven’t had a proper detox diet in years, and who are afraid of the negative effects that chemicals have on their bodies in the long haul.

4. Watermelon Juice

This is a very versatile and tasty drink, which you can enjoy either with watermelon or with cucumber, since they are equally beneficial. The recipe is very simple, and the preparation time is less than five minutes – all you need is a few slices of watermelon or one or two medium-sized cucumbers, some lemon or lime, a couple of mint leaves, and fresh water. This is perfect if you want to get rid of the toxins lurking in your system and if you crave a fresh and nutritious drink on a hot summer night. This is an intensely flavored drink that will help you purge toxins, thanks to the citrulline contained in the lime and the watermelon. This particular compound will support the correct functioning of your liver and kidneys, and it will help your organs get rid of the ammonia and all the other harmful chemicals while increasing your energy levels at the same time.

5. A Morning Detox Routine With Lemon and Warm Water

This is a rather unconventional lemonade, as it involves a few cups of warm water rather than cool water. All you have to do is to squeeze the juice out of half a lemon into two cups of warm water, and drink this lemonade first thing in the morning, before your breakfast. After that, you can go on with your daily meals as usual – this is one of the best morning detox drinks you can ever get. However, if you are on a tight schedule, then you can prepare this drink the night before and only slightly heat it up in the morning. For the best results, you should stick to this morning detox routine for 21 days.

6. Cinnamon and Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

This is yet another popular morning detox drink that involves stevia, cinnamon, lemon juice, icy cold water and some apple cider vinegar. If the water is not cold enough by default, then you can even add a couple of ice cubes to the mix. The water should be cold because your body will burn more calories trying to heat the water up than it would if the water were already warm – this is very important for those who want to adopt a detox diet to lose extra weight and to purge their bodies of toxins at the same time. All you have to do is to mix 16 ounces of cold water with some ice cubes, then add one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, the juice of one full lemon and then a sprinkle of stevia and cinnamon – with the latter being used just to add to the taste of the detox drink. Enjoy!

7. The Master Cleanse Diet

The supreme morning detox diet is the well-known Master Cleanse Diet that has become very popular after Beyoncé used it for her role in Dreamgirls. The recipe involves a pinch of Cayenne pepper, one tablespoon of maple syrup, two tablespoons of lemon juice and some warm water. The Master Cleanse Diet is perfect for weight loss and for detoxifying your liver and your body overall.

These are seven of the most commonly used morning detox drinks to clean your body from the inside out. Try them out and feel the positive effects yourself!

Source:  World Health Info

Stress Management


 Positive thinking: Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress

Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. Practice overcoming negative self-talk with examples provided.

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? How you answer this age-old question about positive thinking may reflect your outlook on life, your attitude toward yourself, and whether you’re optimistic or pessimistic — and it may even affect your health.

Indeed, some studies show that personality traits like optimism and pessimism can affect many areas of your health and well-being. The positive thinking that typically comes with optimism is a key part of effective stress management. And effective stress management is associated with many health benefits. If you tend to be pessimistic, don’t despair — you can learn positive thinking skills.

Understanding positive thinking and self-talk

Positive thinking doesn’t mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life’s less pleasant situations. Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst.

Positive thinking often starts with self-talk. Self-talk is the endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run through your head. These automatic thoughts can be positive or negative. Some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason. Other self-talk may arise from misconceptions that you create because of lack of information.

If the thoughts that run through your head are mostly negative, your outlook on life is more likely pessimistic. If your thoughts are mostly positive, you’re likely an optimist — someone who practices positive thinking.

The health benefits of positive thinking

Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:

  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

It’s unclear why people who engage in positive thinking experience these health benefits. One theory is that having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body. It’s also thought that positive and optimistic people tend to live healthier lifestyles — they get more physical activity, follow a healthier diet, and don’t smoke or drink alcohol in excess.

Identifying negative thinking

 Not sure if your self-talk is positive or negative? Here are some common forms of negative self-talk:
  • Filtering. You magnify the negative aspects of a situation and filter out all of the positive ones. For example, you had a great day at work. You completed your tasks ahead of time and were complimented for doing a speedy and thorough job. That evening, you focus only on your plan to do even more tasks and forget about the compliments you received.
  • Personalizing. When something bad occurs, you automatically blame yourself. For example, you hear that an evening out with friends is canceled, and you assume that the change in plans is because no one wanted to be around you.
  • Catastrophizing. You automatically anticipate the worst. The drive-through coffee shop gets your order wrong and you automatically think that the rest of your day will be a disaster.
  • Polarizing. You see things only as either good or bad. There is no middle ground. You feel that you have to be perfect or you’re a total failure.

Focusing on positive thinking

You can learn to turn negative thinking into positive thinking. The process is simple, but it does take time and practice — you’re creating a new habit, after all. Here are some ways to think and behave in a more positive and optimistic way:

  • Identify areas to change. If you want to become more optimistic and engage in more positive thinking, first identify areas of your life that you typically think negatively about, whether it’s work, your daily commute or a relationship. You can start small by focusing on one area to approach in a more positive way.
  • Check yourself. Periodically during the day, stop and evaluate what you’re thinking. If you find that your thoughts are mainly negative, try to find a way to put a positive spin on them.
  • Be open to humor. Give yourself permission to smile or laugh, especially during difficult times. Seek humor in everyday happenings. When you can laugh at life, you feel less stressed.
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle. Exercise at least three times a week to positively affect mood and reduce stress. Follow a healthy diet to fuel your mind and body. And learn techniques to manage stress.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Make sure those in your life are positive, supportive people you can depend on to give helpful advice and feedback. Negative people may increase your stress level and make you doubt your ability to manage stress in healthy ways.
  • Practice positive self-talk. Start by following one simple rule: Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to anyone else. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself. If a negative thought enters your mind, evaluate it rationally and respond with affirmations of what is good about you.

Here are some examples of negative self-talk and how you can apply a positive thinking twist to them:

Putting positive thinking into practice

Negative self-talk Positive thinking
I’ve never done it before. It’s an opportunity to learn something new.
It’s too complicated. I’ll tackle it from a different angle.
I don’t have the resources. Necessity is the mother of invention.
I’m too lazy to get this done. I wasn’t able to fit it into my schedule, but I can re-examine some priorities.
There’s no way it will work. I can try to make it work.
It’s too radical a change. Let’s take a chance.
No one bothers to communicate with me. I’ll see if I can open the channels of communication.
I’m not going to get any better at this. I’ll give it another try.

Practicing positive thinking every day

If you tend to have a negative outlook, don’t expect to become an optimist overnight. But with practice, eventually your self-talk will contain less self-criticism and more self-acceptance. You may also become less critical of the world around you.

When your state of mind is generally optimistic, you’re better able to handle everyday stress in a more constructive way. That ability may contribute to the widely observed health benefits of positive thinking.

Source: Mayo Clinic Staff