The Amazing Tomato


Tomatoes, which are actually a fruit and not a vegetable, are loaded with all kinds of health benefits of for the body. They are in fact, a highly versatile health product and due to their equally versatile preparation options, there’s really no reason to neglect the tomato as part of a healthy diet. One of the most well known tomato eating benefit is its’ Lycopene content. Lycopene is a vital anti-oxidant that helps in the fight against cancerous cell formation as well as other kinds of health complications and diseases.

Free radicals in the body can be flushed out with high levels of Lycopene, and the tomato is so amply loaded with this vital anti-oxidant that it actually derives its rich redness from the nutrient. Lycopene is not a naturally produced element within the body and the human body requires sources of Lycopene in order to make use of this powerful anti-oxidant. While other fruits and vegetables do contain this necessary health ingredient, no other fruit or vegetable has the high concentration of Lycopene that the tomato takes pride in.

Studies involving the tomato have cropped up all over the world of medical science. There are more health benefits derived from eating a tomato than the scientific community is able to print, at least yet. These studies have proven not only the benefits in preventing cancer, heart disease as well as high cholesterol are also in the tomato’s sights. This is really exciting information. The health benefits of tomatoes are becoming more and more documented every day as we learn new uses of this amazing fruit.

Cancers such as prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and cancers of the stomach, mouth, pharynx, and esophagus have all been proven to be staved off by high levels of Lycopene.  Researchers introduced Lycopene into pre-existing cancer cellcultures and the Lycopene prevented the continued growth of these cultures. This is pretty powerful evidence that the health benefits of eating a tomato are really quite phenomenal.

It takes as little as 540 milliliters of liquid tomato product to get the full benefits of Lycopene. This means that a daily glass of tomato juice has the potential to keep a person healthy for life. Tomatoes are equally as nutritious fresh as they are in other variable forms. When tomato products are heat processed the bioavailablity of the Lycopene actually increases rather than the anticipated decrease.

Even with all the plentiful research that has gone into the health benefits of tomatoes, there is still more research being conducted as the medical science community understands that we have not fully tapped into the potential presented by a tomato just yet.

Research is now slowly proving that there is a high likelihood that the consumption of tomatoes and tomato based products actually may prevent serum lipid oxidation and reduce the risk of macular degenerative disease.

Tomatoes have the power to ward off some of the worst known diseases to man. With the vast variety of tomato products on the market, it really shouldn’t be difficult to get the full health benefit of tomatoes but, if you would like to get the full health benefits of tomatoes and have some fun at the same time, consider raising your own organic tomatoes. It would be a lot of fun, get you outside for some vitamin D and best of all reward you with great taste and vibrant health.

Source: Health Food Guide

75 Weight Loss Tips

The Golden Rules

1 | Don’t skip meals. When you get too hungry, you’re less likely to make healthy choices. October 2010

2 | Never go on a diet when you’re under a lot of stress. April 1974

3 | Ideally, you should try to lose no more than 1 to 2½ pounds a week. January 1954

4 | A short bout of exercise each day is more effective than longer, less frequent periods. June 1939

5 | To lose weight for good, know that you can’t go back to your old eating habits. You’ll need to change your lifestyle. April 1974

6 | Eating too little can backfire. Never have less than 1,200 calories a day—or you may slow down your metabolism. April 2006

7 | Don’t grocery-shop when you’re hungry. You’re likely to make high-fat, low-nutrient impulse purchases. January 1994

8 | For a fit and toned figure, dieting alone isn’t enough. You also need to exercise. February 1979

9 | A slipup doesn’t have to lead to an entire day of overeating. Resolve to make better choices at your next meal. December 2010

10 | Cut down, not out: Trim portions of food instead of removing entire categories (carbs, fats, etc.). January 1966

11 | Have breakfast. People who do so tend to eat fewer calories throughout the day. April 2007

12 | Pump up your protein intake early in the day. Protein is digested at a slower rate than simple carbs, so you’ll feel full for longer. October 1966

13 | Eat slowly and savor each bite. You’ll be satisfied with less food. January 1958

14 | If you have trouble controlling how much you eat of a favorite food, such as ice cream, do not bring it into your home. Eat it only in restaurants. April 1974

15 | Make lunch at home and bring it to work. It will probably be more nutritious and have fewer calories—not to mention cost less. June 1961

16 | Get enough sleep. You’re more likely to give in to cravings when you’re tired. January 1994

17 | Only eat when you’re seated at the table. You’ll do less unplanned nibbling. April 1974

18 | Keep your portions in control by never eating straight from the box or bag. June 2003

19 | Save some calories for snacks between meals. June 1961

20 | Hate to waste food? Instead of eating your children’s leftovers, save that uneaten half-sandwich for the bird feeder. April 1982

21 | Drink a big glass of water at the start of every meal to help you feel full. January 1994

22 | End every meal with a large, filling glass of water, too. June 2003

23 | Keep a food journal. It holds you accountable. April 1967

24 | Use small plates. Research shows that you’ll eat less because you’ll think you ate more. March 2009

25 | Don’t have a big lunch and a big dinner on the same day. If you overeat at one meal, cut back at the next. July 1982

26 | Don’t think about what you can’t eat. Focus on what you can eat more of: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, legumes and nuts. August 2006

27 | Choose water-packed tuna rather than oil-packed—and you will cut calories by almost a third. February 1979

28 | Use nonstick spray to sauté foods. Or rub oil onto the pan with a paper towel for the lightest possible coating. April 1987

29 | If you must have goodies around for your family or for company, don’t make or buy your favorite kind. May 1991

30 | Invest in single-serving containers and use them for leftovers. That way, you won’t polish off everything. October 2007

31 | Use a tiny spoon when sampling, and if you’re doing it a lot, eat less for lunch or dinner. The calories from those little tastes you take while cooking can really add up. October 1989

32 | Let your toast or baked potato slightly cool before buttering so it absorbs less. May 1969

33 | Prepare slow-to-eat foods: hot soups, uncut lean meat, whole fruits. May 1991

34 | Always keep a container of cooked brown rice in the fridge for a quick, lowfat addition to leftovers. January 1994

35 | Chew sugarless gum while you cook so you won’t nibble. January 1994

36 | Switch to mustard. It has no fat, versus the 11 g in 1 Tbsp of mayonnaise. August 2007

37 | If you have the room, keep small exercise equipment (such as free weights) in the kitchen. You can get in a few reps while you’re waiting for something to cook—and the sight of the gear will stop you from munching. April 1982

38 | Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, where most fresh fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy are all located. Venture into the interior aisles only with a list in hand. April 1987

39 | Forget about frying your fish, poultry or other cuts of lean meat. Only broil, roast or grill them. January 1958

40 | Don’t serve family style—make up a plate. And when people want seconds, let them help themselves. April 1987

41 | Make stews and soups ahead of time and refrigerate. Excess fat will float to the top, making it easy to remove before reheating. October 1989

42 | Give away temptation. After a dinner party, pack up the dessert and give it to your departing guests. May 1969

43 | Flavor your meals with fresh or dried herbs and spices, salsa, vinegar or lemon. March 2009

44 | Plan, plan, plan. Not having healthy options on hand (or in mind) makes it too easy to resort to fast food, especially when your family is clamoring for something to eat. October 2010

45 | Before going to a restaurant, check out its menu for the lightest dishes. Many places post calorie counts online. October 2007

46 | Wear fitted clothes or a slightly tight belt when dining out. The feeling of restriction will send “stuffed” signals to your brain. April 1987

47 | Scope out everything that’s available at a buffet or dinner party before eating. Save about a quarter of your plate for the high-cal stuff and the rest for lighter foods, such as cut-up vegetables and hummus or mini grilled chicken skewers. July 2010

48 | Have the bread basket removed as soon as you sit down at a restaurant. This calorie bomb is a big diet downfall. August 1969

49 | In a group, be the first to order so you’re not influenced by your friends’ choices. September 2009

50 | Be picky. At a family gathering, skip the food you can get anywhere and only eat the special dishes, like Grandma’s potato salad. You’ll feel more than satisfied without inhaling hundreds of extra calories. December 2009

51 | Order the simpler dishes. They’re often less fattening because they don’t have any sauce. October 1989

52 | Think of your waiter as your aide in cutting calories. Ask him to keep your water glass filled, to double the side of veggies and omit the starch. July 1982

53 | Eat a snack before going to a party. Arriving with an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster. November 1998

54 | Always ask for dressings and sauces on the side. April 1987

55 | At a restaurant, eat only half your meal and take the rest home in a doggie bag. Or ask your dinner partner to split a meal. May 2003

56 | If you like munching while watching TV, take up knitting, sewing or doing your nails—anything that keeps your hands busy. May 1990

57 | Savor what you’re eating, especially the first two bites, which are the most flavorful. This trick can help you eat less—you may decide that some treats aren’t worth the calories. April 2007

58 | Stash apples, bananas, oranges or whole-grain crackers in your bag so you’ll always have a low-cal snack on hand. July 1982

59 | Be aware that a craving takes 20 minutes to go away. If you can distract yourself for that long, you probably have it beat. April 1974

60 | Brush your teeth or rinse with mouthwash when you have a craving. The clean taste may dampen your appetite. October 1989

61 | When that bag of caramel popcorn won’t stop calling your name, close your eyes and visualize eating 30 pieces—imagine the crunch, the salt, the stickiness. Chances are you’ll eat less than usual. April 2011

62 | Enjoy only the best. If you’re dying for chocolate, just a few high-quality squares should do the trick. October 1989

63 | Eat what you’re craving in its healthiest form. For instance, go for a baked potato instead of fries. June 2003

64 | One of the best ways to rev up your metabolism is to do strength-training exercises at least twice a week. Building muscle makes your body more efficient at burning fat throughout the day, even when you’re resting. August 2006

65 | Tape your favorite TV shows and watch them only when you exercise. June 2003

66 | Be sure to wear supportive sneakers and comfortable clothes so you feel good during exercise. February 1940

67 | Get into a regular routine. You’ll find that as you get fit and healthy your appetite may change, especially for junk food. September 1978

68 | Create a shorter walking route for days when you’re busy and pressed for time. It’s far better than doing nothing at all. April 2003

69 | Work out first thing in the morning, so it’s done no matter how crazy your day gets. November 2009

70 | Remember that small changes add up. You can lose 12½ pounds in a year just by giving up butter on your toast. January 1994

71 | Exercising in a group or with a friend makes a workout less dreary, so you’re more likely to stick with it. March 1954

72 | Set small goals and as you reach each one, reward yourself: a new book, a spa treatment, whatever appeals to you. July 1966

73 | Crank up fun music with a fast beat while you work out. It will make time fly. February 1998

74 | Instead of thinking you deserve to eat something, think that you deserve to be healthy and happy. May 2009

75 | Hang a calendar in a prominent spot and mark the days you work out and eat right. Seeing evidence of your hard work will inspire you to keep it up. January 2010

Source: Women’s Day Staff

Alternatives for Pain


There are a number of reasons to avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen often. You may be seeking alternatives because you experience pain but like to stay away from conventional medicines. Alternatively, you could be someone who just learned about the potential dangers that come with taking Aspirin and ibuprofen regularly and are ready for something different. Ibuprofen and Aspirin have been linked to anemia, DNA damage, heart disease, hearing loss, hypertension, miscarriage and even influenza mortality (these are just 7 of the over 24 adverse health effects its been connected with.)

Although there are a number of adverse health effects that go along with Ibuprofen, we continue to take it in vast amounts because we are often a society built off of quick fixes and short-term results. According to some previously recorded statistics, in 1998 alone over 500,000 pounds of acetyl-salicylic acid (the main component used in aspirin) was produced in the United States alone. That number is likely even greater now. Usage of such medicines can be linked back to cultural conditioning where we forget to value eating well, taking care of our mental and emotional states as well as our physical body. When this is out of balance so often, feeling pain in areas of the body can be a very common thing.

The Natural Approach

Many of us might be surprised to learn that most conventional medicines are inspired by natural sources. Pharmaceutical companies will run tests and studies on the efficacy of a natural substance for any given ailment. Once they learn whether the results are good, they will create a synthetic version of that same substance and patent it so that it can be sold. At times, the synthetic version may work faster, and depending on if you have a very low quality version of the natural substance, the synthetic one may even work better. But the health costs that come with using the synthetic versions are often not worth any small trade-off that may or may not exist. Since nature already provides us with what we need to deal with ailments we might have, why not try them as they would be best fitting in the body versus synthetic options.

1. White willow bark: This herb was the original aspirin. It contains a substance called salicin which converts to salicylic acid when in the stomach. Salicylic acid is the main component of Aspirin and when used synthetically it has irritating effects on the stomach. White willow bark is effective in relieving pain, inflammation and fever. A suggested dose is 1 to 2 dropperfuls of white willow bark tincture daily.[7]

2. Capsaicin: This remedy is mainly used topically and is effective in relieving nerve, muscle and joint pain by interfering with a chemical in the body known as substance P which transmits pain signals to the brain. It is often found in gel or cream form and comes in a variety of potentcies. This remedy can be used three to four times daily. Since Capsaicin comes from chili peppers some first time users have reported a light stinging pain once initially applied. This does subside and often disappears with further use.[3]

3. Boswellia: This is also known as “Indian frankincense” and is available as a supplement and a topical cream. It contains anti-inflammatory properties which come from the boswellic acids extracted from the tree. They help improve blood flow to joints and prevent inflammatory white blood cells from entering damaged tissue. The suggested dose for pain is 450 – 750 mg daily for 3 to 4 weeks. [2]

4. Cat’s claw: Also known as Uncaria tomentosa, or una de gato, cats claw grows in South America and is known for containing an anti-inflammatory agent that aids in blocking the production of the hormone prostaglandin which contributes to inflammation and pain within the body. The suggested doses for cats claw are 250 to 1,000 mg capsules one to three times daily. If one were to take too much in a single day, they may experience diarrhea.[4]

5. Omega-3 fatty acids: The omega-3 fatty acids are known to have anti-inflammatory properties proven to be beneficial for people who suffer with arthritis, other inflammatory joint conditions and inflammatory bowel diseases. Along with their pain and anti inflammatory properties, they are also known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Not only is this helpful for people with rheumatoid arthritis, which carries an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, but it also helps to stop the number one killer in the world which is heart disease. A suggested dose of omega-3 fatty acids such as fish oil is 1,000 mg daily.[6]

For vegans looking for dietary Omega 3, you can try hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, various berries, seaweed, leafy greens and more.

6. Curcumin: Also referred to as turmeric at times given curcumin is a component of the herb turmeric, and is known as a potent painkiller. Like Capsaicin, it helps to block pain signals running to the brain. Studies have shown that curcumin is effective in receiving pain, even chronic pain and is effective when it comes to treating rheumatoid arthritis. One suggested dose is 400 to 600 mg of curcumin taken three times daily for pain and inflammation.[5]

Curcumin has also been found to be as effective as Prozac in treating depression, but comes with no nasty side effects.

Why Pain?

I feel it’s important to remember that sometimes when we are having the experience of physical pain there can be a number of reasons why it is there. In our society we feel pain and immediately want to get rid of it yet we don’t think to find out why we may have the pain. Pain can exist in the body for a number of reasons from simple physical ailments to emotional tensions. Next time you are feeling pain, remember to take a moment and relax. Get in touch with your body and feel out what is going on. The more we get in touch with our body’s own consciousness, the more we learn about it and what may be causing us these ailments. Pain is like mother natures way of saying something might need to transform, whether it be strictly physical or even something emotional. There is a lot we can learn from our experiences when we pay attention.

Foods for Depression

oranges help fight depression

If you have the blues, you’re not alone. According to the
Centers for Disease Control, depression affects 1 in 5
Americans. That’s over
60 million people. In fact, depression
is a worldwide problem. According to a study published in
the British Journal of Psychology in 2004, depression is the
4th leading cause of disability (loss days from work, inability
to function) in the world, accounting for 12% all years lived
with disabilities worldwide.

Depression can steal your life slowly, one lost day at a time.
Unless you treat depression, you literally can lose years in a
fog of depression.

Like its sufferers, depression comes in many different forms.
The most severe form of depression is usually referred to as
“clinical depression”. This form of depression usually lasts a
great amount of time and affects a person’s day-to-day life
almost entirely.  

People who are experiencing clinical depression often find
that they cannot function at work, lose sexual desire, lose
desire for hobbies or things that used to interest them.  If
you are severely depressed, you may not even be able to get
out of bed.

If you are a friend of someone who is clinically depressed,
you may notice that they cancel your social dates for no
reason, and they may seem listless and withdrawn. You may
notice that their eating habits have changes and that they
have gained a lot of weight –many who are depressed use
food to medicate their feelings — or, conversely, that they
are losing weight without trying because they have lost all
interest in food.

If you think you may be suffering from a severe form of
depression, then it is important that you visit your doctor to
prescribe treatment. If you are a friend of someone who you
suspect is clinically depressed, you have to let other family
members know and take action to get them help.  The root
cause is a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Mild depression is something that a lot of us have gone
through in our lives and can cause ups and downs in our
moods. University College London in 2009 found that eating
a diet of fast food and processed foods can contribute to
depression. So which foods can help fight mild depression?
Is there an ideal diet for depression?

Here is a Top 10 list:

1. Fish Helps Depression.  Certain fish are rich in essential
oils called omega-3 fatty acids. The links between omega-3
fatty acids and depression have been proven in several
different studies. The most famous was conducted at
Harvard in 1999. That study found that
omega-3 helped
significant improve moods. Omega-3 can also lessen irritably.
The best sources of omega-3  are found in fish such as
salmon (wild, non-farmed), anchovies, mackerel, herring and
sardines. In addition to alleviating depression,
fish oils have
been linked to alleviation of several other disorders,
including schizophrenia.

2. Nuts and Seeds Elevate Your Mood. Don’t eat fish? Try
nuts and seeds as an alternative. Omega-3 fatty acids can be
found in Hazel nuts, pecans, walnuts, hempseeds and
flaxseed. Not only do they contain omega-3 they also contain
B vitamins. A joint study between the University of Navarra
and the University of Las Palmas, Spain in 2009 found that B
vitamins are associated with positive moods and reduce the
chances of mild depression. Vitamin B1 can be found in
sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts,
almonds and walnuts.

Some nuts and seeds contain a specific form of omega-3
fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid. Alpa-linolenic acid
has been linked strongly to lower risk of depression. A 10 –
year study of 54,632 women by researchers from the
Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School
found that those women whose diets contain the highest
amounts of this acid were 18% less likely to suffer from

What foods are high in alpha linolenic acid?  Flaxseeds and
walnuts are particularly high in alpa-linolenic acid. Flaxseeds
contain about 2.2 grams per tablespoon and walnuts contain
about .7 g in a tablespoon. Other sources include canola oil,
soybeans and soy oil, perilla and pumpkin seeds.]

3. Greens Help You Stay Positive. The Spanish study also
recommended vegetables as an ally against depression.
Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, can be found in
avocados. The other main B vitamins can be found in
mushrooms, pumpkins and green peppers.  

A 1997 Harvard study found links between lack of folate,
also known as folic acid, and depressive symptoms.
Vegetables that are good sources of folic acid include
broccoli, Brussel sprouts and asparagus. It’s important not
to overcook vegetables as they can lose their vitamin content.

4. Fruit Also Help Depression.   Vegetables’ natural
companion in healthy eating is always fruit.   Flavonoids are
the key here. Flavonoids are frequently referred to as
antioxidants. A study completed in 2005 in Beijing, China
found that flavonoids can inhibit the symptoms of mild
depression. They are mostly found in citrus fruits like
oranges and grapefruits.

5. Olive Oil Raises Your Mood. The University of California-
San Francisco released a major research study on olive oil in
2009. They found that olive oil can also help in fighting
Olive oil is a source of omega-3 but also contains
good fats that keep the heart healthy and can even help you
to live longer

6. Certain Cereals Can Help Depression.  Sugary cereals are
best avoided but whole cereals such as oatmeal contain
vitamins B-1 and B-6 which as mentioned have been linked
to improving mood. It is important to pick the right cereal;
even cereals claiming to be healthy are not always. You
should look for cereals that have whole grains or barley and
always check the sugar content. (University of Bristol, 1998)

7. Chickpeas and other pulses/legumes. Chickpeas are a
healthy, fast and versatile food and they fight depression
too. One of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to get the
benefits from chickpeas is hummus. They contain B vitamins
and folic acid. Other pulses and legumes that beneficial
include; soy beans, lentils, butter beans, haricot beans, split
peas, blackeye beans and kidney beans. (UofLP&UofN, Spain,

8. Eat Brown Rice to Fight Depression.   As mentioned the
study done by University College London in 2009 showed
that highly refined foods can lead to depression. Therefore
eating foods like brown rice which slowly release glucose
into the blood stream prevents the highs and lows
experienced with processed foods. In addition brown rice
contains B vitamins and folic acid. This is also for whole
pastas. Also Potatoes that are baked or boiled are filling and
contain B vitamins

9. Chocolate Can Raise Your Mood.  Researchers have
confirmed what many a broken heart has already discovered.
Chocolate can lift your spirits.

Well, this one comes with a warning. We all wish chocolate
was the answer to life’s troubles but too much of a good
thing is bad for us and chocolate is good for us. The higher
the percentage of cocoa in the chocolate the better. A 1995
University of Dundee study found that chocolate contains
certain chemicals that affect the brain by releasing
endorphins and serotonin. These are the chemicals that
signal your brain to feel happy.

One small piece of chocolate per day can help boost your
mood. But be careful. Eat too much and you risk feelings of
guilt and weight gain. (Read more about the Top 10
benefits of chocolate.)

10. Tea to the Rescue.  Tea contains valuable flavonoids.
After citrus fruits it is the best source of these. Experts have
also found that tea, especially brewed green tea, affects the
body by stimulating sections of the brain that produce a
feeling of relaxation. This can be beneficial to those who are
feeling anxious or having problems sleeping. Some herbal
teas like chamomile can also help with relaxation. (University
of Nagoya, Japan, 2007

Source:  Katrina Devine, Contributing Columnist, and Susan
Callahan, Associate Editor.. Collective Wisdom.

12 foods can control appetite


When you’re trying to lose weight, cutting back on the amount you eat is a given—but feeling hungry all the time is one of the major reasons why most diets fail within a week. Still, you can silence your grumbling stomach without consuming extra calories. In fact, eating certain foods sends a signal to your brain that you’re done eating, and quiets your appetite. Shut out the ice cream pint that’s calling your name by eating these healthy and satisfying foods.


Chomp on an apple approximately a half hour before a meal—the fiber and water from the apple will fill you up, so you’ll eat less, said Debra Wein, RD, president of Wellness Workdays, a leading provider of worksite wellness programs.


Eating half of an avocado with your lunch may help you feel full for the rest of the afternoon, according to a study published in Nutrition Journal. Women who did that felt 22 percent more satisfied and had a 24 percent lower desire to snack three hours later than on days they ate a caloric ally equivalent lunch without the avocado. 20 Best Foods for Fiber

Beans, chickpeas, lentils

Dietary pulses such as chickpeas, lentils, beans, and peas are protein-rich superfoods that also pack in fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, and iron. Eating more of them may also help you control your appetite. A recent meta-analysis published in the journal Obesity found that people were 31 percent more satisfied after a meal when it included pulses.


In a Penn State study, people who slurped a bowl of low-calorie, broth-based soup before their lunch entrées reduced their total calorie intake at the meal by 20 percent.

“Soups can take the edge of your appetite since they take up a lot of volume in your stomach, but with very few calories,” said Beth Saltz, RD, owner of


Pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented foods have short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), and recent research in the Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences found that they help strengthen the bond between the gut and the brain. SCFAs stimulate production of hormones that cross the blood-brain barrier and improve appetite signaling. Fermented foods also boast probiotics, the healthy bacteria that help digestion. Some experts believe probiotics may reduce appetite and aid weight loss, though research is inconclusive.

Chili powder

You may already know that capsaicin, the compound in chilis that gives them their kick, fires up your metabolism. Recent research from Maastricht University in the Netherlands shows that adding heat to your meal may also control your appetite. The study, which was published in the journal Appetite, found that adding 1/4 tsp of chili pepper to each meal increased satiety and fullness. What’s more, some participants were only allowed to consume 75 percent of their recommended daily calorie intake, but didn’t feel any more desire to continue eating after dinner than those who were given 100 percent of their daily calories. 27 Best Foods for Weight Loss

Dark chocolate

When you’re craving something sweet, reach for dark chocolate. Research suggests dark chocolate can help reduce blood pressure and protect the heart and brain. It’s also more filling than milk chocolate and may help curb cravings for both sweet and salty foods, according to a study in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes. In fact, participants consumed 17 percent fewer calories at a meal following a dose of dark chocolate.


Starting your day with eggs will leave you satisfied until lunch. The power’s in the protein: research from the University of Missouri at Columbia suggests that eating a 300-calorie breakfast made up of 30 to 39 grams of protein (think: eggs and sausage) reduces hunger pangs and increases fullness during the time between breakfast and lunch. What’s more, the research revealed that high-protein breakfast eaters consume fewer calories throughout the day.


Nuts are another filling food that may help you eat less. In a British Journal of Nutrition study, obese women who paired either 1.5 ounces of peanuts or 3 tablespoons of peanut butter with Cream of Wheat cereal and orange juice felt fuller for up to 12 hours after finishing breakfast than those who didn’t eat the peanut products.

“Nuts are essentially designed by nature to control appetite because they’re rich in healthy unsaturated fat, along with bonus protein and fiber,” said Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, Health contributing nutrition editor. Together, the three nutrients slow digestion and regulate blood sugar when combined with carbs like fruit, oatmeal, or brown rice. 20 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast


Consider ditching cereal for warm, gooey oatmeal. Oatmeal will keep you feeling fuller longer, suggests a study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Participants were served 250 calories of cereal or oatmeal with 113 calories of milk. The oatmeal-eaters were satiated longer, and they also experienced a greater reduction in hunger and a decreased desire to eat compared to ready-to-eat cereal eaters. Why the difference? Oatmeal is higher in fiber and protein and also has higher amounts of beta-glucan–the sugars that give oatmeal its heart-healthy properties, hydration, and molecular weight compared to ready-to-eat cereals.


Being low on H2O can trick you into believing you’re hungry. Why? The symptoms of hunger are similar to those of being dehydrated: low energy, reduced cognitive function, and poor mood. So next time you’re craving an afternoon snack, drink a tall glass of water and wait 10 minutes. Chances are, your hunger pangs will pass, and you’ll have saved hundreds of calories. 14 Surprising Causes of Dehydration

Whey protein

Dairy whey—one of the two proteins that make up milk products—may be the most filling type of protein. According to a study published in the journal Appetite, people who drank whey protein ate 18 percent less two hours later than those who had consumed a carbohydrate drink. Use whey protein powder to give smoothies a protein punch.


What are Affirmations?

Affirmations – What They Are And
How To Use Them To Create A Better Life

Affirmations are simply any positive or negative statements that we make, as we go through life. They can be natural, automatic statements or statements made on purpose.  Does this include all words and statements that we make during our lifetime? Yes and No. Statements related to some aspect of the past, present or future are indeed so considered. The other utterances, which we shall call as ‘miscellaneous statements’, need not be so considered. 

For example. ‘Let’s go for a walk’, ‘How are you?’, ‘I may be late for dinner tonight’ are ‘miscellaneous statements’. Examples of affirmations are given below.

Consider the following statements:

  • Oh, what a beautiful morning!
  • What a gorgeous car!
  • All new movies are boring.
  • There is always a traffic jam in the morning.

These are natural statements that bring out our true feelings as we go through life. These are affirmations.
Now consider the following statements:

  • Every Day in Every Way I am getting Better and Better.
  • I am losing weight every day without effort till I reach my ideal weight of 60 kilos.
  • I am a money magnet and money flows into my life effortlessly.
  • I am healthy and strong. I live life to the fullest.

These are statements of intent. Through these statements we express our desire of how we want our life to be. These are also affirmations.

We are going to concentrate on the second type of affirmations, that is the statements that spell out our desired future – statements that can change our life for the better. The wonderful thing about these affirmations is that the more we use them, the more our life starts resembling them. The principal behind the working of these affirmations  is similar to that of drops of water falling on a rock.

A few drops will not make any difference to the rock but if the drops fall continuously, then, over a period of time, the rock will be worn out.

We cannot solve a problem with the same mentality that created it.”

~ Albert Einstein

This quote succinctly explains the working of affirmations. If we want to change our life for the better, we have to hold different thoughts in our mind, different than the ones that normally occupy our mind.  Every person has a set of different thoughts that occupies his or her mind on a regular basis.  Our thoughts are determined by our social milieu, our family upbringing, our education, our experiences in life and a variety of other factors.

A person leading an average life will have a different set of thoughts than a person successful in some field.  If the average person wants to be successful, he has to think like the successful person.  If a poor person wants to be rich and prosperous, he has to think like a rich and prosperous person.

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

How does one change one’s life by changing one’s thoughts?  There are many answers to this question. When we are in a certain situation, we think in a certain way. As a result, certain neural pathways are formed in the brain.

Later, when we find ourselves in a similar situation, because of the already formed neural pathways, we think similar thoughts and that results in the same old actions. Hence, nothing new comes out of the situation.

When we deliberately change our thoughts over a period of time, new neural pathways are formed to correspond to these new thoughts. Thus, when a particular situation arises, the brain does not automatically think the old thoughts.

Rather, a new thought is produced in response to the same old situation. New actions are now explored. A new and different outcome is now a distinct possibility.

Another way of looking at it is this way.  The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between real and imaginary situations.  If we feed the subconscious mind with imaginary situations depicting our desired reality, then after some time the subconscious mind starts believing it.

When the belief becomes strong enough, it tries to match the new inner scenario with the outer reality of life.  As these two are different, and as it cannot change the new inner scenario because we are strengthening it daily by affirmations or visualization, or in some other way, it now tries to change the outer reality, to match the inner one.

We thus start having new experiences, meeting new people, spotting new opportunities which we earlier used to miss and so on. Slowly, life starts changing for the better.  Whatever be the explanation, it is a fact that a change in thinking changes life. And a change in thinking can be easily brought about by using affirmations. Thus, if we make positive statements and repeat them over and over, they are going to affect our life positively. Similarly, negative statements will affect our life negatively.

How Affirmations Work

We go through our life according to our beliefs. For example, we know it and hence it is our belief that if we touch anything hot, it will cause burns. Hence we don’t touch hot things with our bare hands.  However, the belief system of small children is not yet formed.  Hence, they do not know the difference between hot and cold and are likely to touch hot things with their bare hands. (hence we have to take greater care of small children than grown up children).

If they get their hand burned, or alternatively if they are told repeatedly that touching hot things is bad, then their belief system forms and they will avoid touching hot things.

This is an example of affirmations at work.  All our beliefs are stored in the subconscious mind.

So, if you find that you are unable to make lots of money, or, you make money but are unable to hold on to it, it may be due to such beliefs held in the subconscious mind as “I do not deserve to be prosperous” or “Money is bad”, etc.  In order to change our beliefs, we have to operate at the level of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is like your computer. It takes an input, processes it and gives an output. It does not think by itself. It does not distinguish between good and bad.

If we put garbage in a computer we get garbage as output. (Hence the phrase GIGO which means Garbage In, Garbage Out). That is why your mother told you to keep good company and avoid bad company.  In good company you hear good and positive thoughts, see good actions being performed, good deeds being done.  By constantly being in good company these good things get impressed on your subconscious mind and, in turn, your thoughts and actions, also turn out to be good.

Source: Prasanna Vishwasrao & Self Help and Self Development

Overcome Unwanted Thoughts


Unwanted thoughts are quite annoying and irritating as they result in lack of concentration and cause mental fatigue and tiredness. If you are also suffering from such unwanted thoughts, then you will definitely know how bothersome these thoughts are. If you haven’t overcome your trouble yet and are looking for some good tips then read this article because I am going to help you out by giving you some useful tips.

Write your Thoughts

Writing proves to be a good therapy for those who suffer from unwanted thoughts. Writing your thoughts in a diary or notebook will keep you relaxed and soothing as it will help you to transfer infuriating thoughts from mind to the paper. If roots of unwanted thoughts are connected to any past event, a harsh childhood experience or an unsuccessful love then writing these memories and thoughts is really very very effective. When you start writing your unwanted thoughts, feel yourself free to write whatever comes to your mind because you are going to write to express your feelings and not to impress someone. So don’t take care of making spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Your only purpose is to let your bad thoughts flow out of your mind.
Distract your Attention
When unwanted thoughts come to your mind, the best way to overcome them is to distract your attention. It would be just like fighting fire with fire. Make a better use of your idle time by following any of the following activities:
  • Start watching your favorite movie. The trick is to see that movie that can not remind you of your unwanted thoughts so it may be a comedy movie. Don’t watch a romantic movie if you are preoccupied with thoughts of bad romantic experience.
  • Play any sport you like. Sports are not only god for physical health but also very good to keep your mind clear of bad and unwanted thoughts. Playing a game for an hour or so will divert your energy and thoughts somewhere else.
  • Start reading a book, magazine or even back of your favorite cereal box. You will see that it would be really helpful in eliminating unwanted thoughts. Instead of bad thoughts, feed your mind with some fruitful and healthy thoughts.
  • Go to some beautiful park and start walking. Trees, clean air and tweeting birds will have a consoling effect on your mind and body and positive thoughts will start coming to your mind.


Have a Restful Sleep
A good and restful sleep can also prove to be very effective in order to get rid of unwanted thoughts and memories as deep sleep helps to shut down thinking process and helps to regain lost energy which was wasted due to thinking about bad and frustrating memories.
Clear your Mind of all Worries
Sometimes bad thoughts are also caused by stress and worries like thinking about a difficult exam or thinking about debt or mortgaged house. It is natural to worry about these things but don’t let them interfere your relaxation and comfort. If you are a natural worrier then definitely you may be suffering from bad thoughts but keep in mind that worries are not a solution to any problem. Instead an optimistic behavior will help you overcome your worries.
Share your Thoughts

You can also overcome your unwanted thoughts by sharing them with your spouse, friends or parents. When you share these thoughts with your family members or friends, they will provide you with a better solution to cope with these thoughts and help you to see brighter side of life.
Consult a Psychiatrist
Sometimes these unwanted and bad thoughts may be quite serious and require consultation with a psychiatrist which may help you out through different treatments including group therapy, hypnosis, individual counseling or even medicines.
If you are suffering from unwanted thoughts, never take them for granted, try to overcome them with above mentioned tips and if they continue then consult a good doctor in your area.
Source: World Health Ini